
How The Kidoozie Funtime Tractor Compares To The Competition — 11 Comments

  1. Hi, we have this toy and my son loves it! However, in the midst of our move, it seems we misplaced 2 of the animals. Is there any way to get replacements of the animals? Please let me know.
    Thank you!

    • Hi Amy,

      International Playthings are the manufacturers of these toys. Here is a link to their contact page so you can contact them and hopefully sort this out. International Playthings



  2. Hello,

    This is a long shot, but I’m wondering if there’s any way to get a replacement sheep. My son has this toy and loves it, and unfortunately he left the sheep at the park.

    Thank you.

    • Hi Bryony,

      International Playthings are the manufacturers of these toys. Here is a link to their contact page so you can contact them and hopefully sort this out. International Playthings



    • Hi Margie,

      International Playthings are the manufacturers of these toys. Here is a link to their contact page so you can contact them and hopefully sort this out. International Playthings



  3. My son loves the tractor but the self propelled operation has stopped working. Every other function works but the wheels don’t even try to move. Is there a fix?

  4. My son LOVES this tractor. However, the feature that makes the tractor move on its own broke within a few months of use (regular use – no rough play with it). My son loves it so much that I bought a second one. Unfortunately, the same thing happened again after only a few months of regular use. This toy seems a bit expensive for it to break like this after only a few months of use. It’s a shame because it is so cute and he loves it so much. I just can’t see buying it again when it has already broken twice before and in such a short period of time.

    • Where did you buy it from? I noticed some of the tractors have a rubber strip on the front tires, while other versions of the same tractor dont have the rubber strip

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